You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.2. Reports - Report Generator > Report Generator - Options Menu > Options - Options > Report Options - EFax (v2.8)
Report Options - EFax (v2.8)

If your company has a UTBox account, you can send faxes (such as invoices, statements and reports) directly from Micronet to your customers’ fax machines. You do not need to use, or even have, a fax machine of your own. When Micronet users process invoices, statements or reports, Micronet saves the documents in PDF format and then sends them to UTBox which sends them on to the appropriate customer fax numbers.

Use this option to setup a report to be faxed automatically via email using UTBox.


Technical Tip

  • For information on setting up a UTBox account, contact your Micronet account manager.
  • For each of your customers who wants to receive Micronet documents by fax, you need to setup the Debtor master file with a UTBox email address (refer to "File - Debtor - Contacts" for more information).

To setup your options for faxing via email:

  1. Display the Report Options screen.

Refer to "Options - Options".

  1. Select the EFax button.

Micronet displays the Set EFax Parameters screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Fax Address

Select the Micronet field that contains the email addresses you want this report faxed to.


Break Level

Enter the control break level for the report.

For more information about control breaks, refer to "Options - Control Breaks".

  1. Select Accept.

Micronet redisplays the Report Options screen.